and poems
_what joy_
Tonight i put myself to bed molecular desperation: i’m done/i’m not buying more/i don’t want to want more/i want to be done/i beg to be done i’m going to lie down tomorrow i’ll be done/please tomorrow i’ll be ok …is not why delusions of health: i’m in so much pain/for so long/how is this possible/why me/do I deserve this/must be in my head/please be in my head i’m going to lie down/and be as still as i can be tomorrow i wont be in pain/please tomorrow i’ll be ok …is not why flesh weaker than spirit: waking up to reality is unbearable i’ll not lie down i’ll not embrace tomorrow/a day harder than today i’ll not lie down yet i’ll wake up/tomorrow,now today/lacking memory of the moment I could no longer endure/at this place i now am/awake this is not ok/please …is not (retroactively) why I join my dogs in bed the cold blue light bothers Me I cycle it warmer/warner/warmer that is good enough I lie down I am ok …is why -- John Major 2024.12.31
'gingerbread boy'
_now “I love my shape. My shape is a nice shape. It’s my shape. I don’t need to hurt my shape any more. I hope not” to _now “I hated my shape. Culture hated the shape it shamed me for not being. My shape blazed in agony. Twisted. Screaming, no- Screamed for an end. Screamed and screamed. please. just end.” “Culture hurt me. Fake shape. Starved shape. Hidden shape. Vile shape. Hated shape. “ “Culture hurt me in the 80’s because it was ignorant and afraid.” “Culture hurt me in the 80’s and it’s not my fault.” “Culture hurt me in the 80’s and I could not bear this understanding till now.” “Culture hurt me in the 80’s and I could not understand this till now.” “Culture hurt me in the 80’s and I did not understand this till now.” “Culture made no excuses for its hatred. Which is a good policy.” “Culture forced me to believe something I did not want to believe.” “Culture raped my sense-of-self. God hates sick fags would should die. Alone in desperate pain. Deserves nothing embrace love life help love life. I said nothing and no one knew. Yet it happened for all to see. On tv and Off. No one helped even me.“ “I’m kinda stuck in the 80’s ( and obsessed ).” — JEM “I’m obsessed with the 80’s (and kinda stuck ).” — JEM far off _now “it’s like something in you broke in the 80’s and is stuck there.” — SD, (a roared observation over decades) finally _now My shape is just fine. -- John Major 2025.01.13