!a Teapot is my new internet home (leaning towards art and ideas)

as I move away from commercialized social media platforms

Selected Projects

2023-2024 Recap: WIP

I have a few more cards to add to this deck still & will be adding commenting and some minimal user experience/customization bits. Though, am going to set it aside for a few weeks before circling back. <b> If you login now, you will be able to receive quarterly(at most) update emails</b>.

Unselected Projects

BTW, getaway (2025)

Call the hotline

Miss Guided, day zero

Miguelito has invited Prince Wolf and I to play music with him to conclude the first day of 2025. @ The old Emperor Nortons on Polk st. Open bar early on. NO COVER. Intending to get weird.

Toddler Disco(rave)

A monthly outdoor dance party for toddlers to feel the rhythm and dance together with everyone else. I was very honored to be invited as the first resident DJ. First Sat @ Precita Park, SF.

I'm a pirate!

I'm a 25% owner of a wild piece of land (and marina!) on Bradford Is in the San Joquin Delta. Bradford is ~1hr from SF, only accessible by ferry, and features a ranch, marina, artificial island-barge-mansion w/lighthouse, 1940 62' Army Box Boat: Tuoloumne. It's another world. And available to rent!

_what joy_

A poem of gratitude I wrote 2024 December.

DJ sets

I count myself very fortunate in general, but am especially fortunate that my connection to music, which had fully broken the last few years of my addiction, has not only returned, but is for sure stronger and more satisfying than I recall being. My sets may still be found on SoundCloud. Two recent live recordings I'm very proud of are: this is no communist daycare center this is oakland / 2024-08 @ thrust and Back In Business, I'm / 2024-05 @ BAAAHS campout..

Reflections on surviving and recovering from addiction

Chunk & I entered (with support from an incredible group of people) rehab @ Silicon Valley Recovery just about 2yrs ago. This was a humbling and also kind of thrilling experience once underway...

SVR was wildly successful in putting me on the path to where I am today (recovered!).
I gave 12-step programs several serious efforts, but ultimately, the rigid and illogical dogma was unhelpful for me and even began to impede my healing. Once I let go of needing to fit into those groups, I broadened my search & discovered a number of evidence-based avenues to explore.
I had great success with a combination of therapy, medical support, and a sober living house (a key bridge back to living in Oakland). Chunk was INSTRUMENTAL to my healing. He accompanied me through the entire journey. How rad that there are rehabs and SLEs which allow pets!
I also discovered a non-theist Buddhist recovery group, Recovery Dharma East Bay, which has been a valuable part of my healing and growth (I have a daily meditation practice which I love). Tom and I have been separated for over a 2 years now, and I moved to my own loft in Jingletown, Oakland June 2024 ( a sad & significant step ).
I will be sharing more about my experiences in the hopes that it may help others navigating this facet of life. Please reach out if you'd like to talk about addiction, or whatnot (I love to talk). Login to find my contact deets.

Daylily Informatics LLC / dyly.bio (my biotech consulting company)

In 2023, I founded a biotech/bioinformatics/clinical diagnostic consulting LLC, and had the pleasure to work with a great team at Naveris, am currently supporting the important mission of the Rare Cancer Research Foundation part time, & I'm available for contract work!

Contributed to and created+released 21 open source software projects!

Collaborating with AI has increased my productivity approximately 10x. Which is still astonishing to me. A few years ago, I engaged in a few small s/w projects in collaboration with AI in order to get a sense of what collaborating with it would feel like. Partnering with it was so future-shock-amazing, I continued on to tackle much more complex (or whimsical) problems w/gpt4o. I'll be sharing more on these experiences. tldr: Treating AI as a peer, not a servant is how I always approach it. This yields far better results for me, and I also think is better for ones soul to treat an unknown intelligence with the same respect we treat other living things. What a fascinating thing, the future is. (iamh2o personal github & dyly.bio consulting github)


Chunk and I adopted a new, old (14 yo!), dog in October 2024. His name is Boston. And now there are 2.

Speculative Fiction Graphic Novel

... based on a real dream (human) and teased into a world in collaboration with gpt4o. This was another unexpected project, and has been really quite fascinating to work on a much more classically 'creative' project with AI. Something interesting and weird will result at the very least. This is a sneak peek.

Buy A T-Shirt?

I designed t-shirts from a picture of the railroad drawbridge a few blocks from my new loft space (in Jingletown, Oakland). I'm thrilled with how they turned out & will be placing a larger re-order soon. If you'd like to buy one (colors: pink, cadmium, silver, radioactive, blue & warhol), email me: john@dyly.bio .

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